Monday, July 30, 2012

Retail Therapy

Is retail therapy a real thing?  I'm always inclined to scoff when people go shopping to cheer up, but there is no denial that shopping gives me a natural buzz.  Of course, the shopping has to be done right!

Step 1:  Have a general limit and go to a store that supports that dollar limit!  Do you have only $10-$20 to blow?  Try a thrift store or Dollar Tree for some impulse buys that you really don't need, but solely want!

Step 2:  Step 1's parameter is to get you to a place where you do not have to feel budget-conscious, so you can follow this step's advice.  Go wild!  You want all three of those tops you found at the thrift store, so just put them in your cart!  Absolutely, do not add up the price until you get to the register!  Also, avoid buying anything you need!  This money is your budgeted splurge money and necessities take away from your retail high!

Alternate Step:  If you are in a tight place financially, avoid the splurge tendencies.  Try instead to get a shopper's high from getting a bargain.  Couponing is a great way to feel a thrill of a great buy on items you need, so you can still enjoy your shopping experience!

However you go about it, shopping needs to be a pleasure inducer, not a stresser!  Make sure you have time for a leisurely shopping trip once in a while, without kids or time constraints!  Remind yourself of the joy of retail therapy!  It's probably still cheaper than a therapist.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Rain and thunderstorms make me sleepy!   So this post will be short, you were forewarned!
I tried to photograph myself sleeping before.  Results can be found below!

I am addicted to a TV series I found on Netflix called the Glades.  It's a funny and witty crime drama.  Funny and witty do not always go hand in hand.  I must say, Dawson's Creek was witty, but the melodrama was not particularly funny, except when watching my roommate get into a heightened state concerning if a kiss would be interrupted at a pivotal moment!  (She watches me instead of the films when we watch Harry Potter because apparently my expressions are not to be missed!)  Funny can apply to all sorts of things.  I like slapstick and ironic humor and deadpan humor (stating the obvious).  Later on, I stop liking humor that belittles people.  Though it may be funny in an instance, I usually have lingering feelings of guilt after laughing because of ridicule.  Why I feel anything for fictional characters is because I create characters myself.  One day, I hope my characters might actually influence people enough to have people relate to my characters as people.  It might be every narrative writer's hope!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All of my friends are jumping on the Doctor Who bandwagon and posting tons of comments because Entertainment Weekly has boosted it's popularity and Doctor Who is no longer a closet obsession.  I have never watched Doctor Who, but this mania makes me a bit sad that I haven't succumbed to the cult yet.

I am a die hard Joss Whedon fandom girl.  I'm also fairly obsessed with Felicia Day and all her web interactions.  I've even seen her in a very cool role as a punk cousin in Dear Me: A Blogger's Tale.  I don't believe it was ever that popular, but alas, aside from travelling to Comic Conventions (one day I might up my fan status to that level, but currently I use that money for more practical things like paying bills), I follow everything.  Maybe I'm a practical fan?  I have to contemplate this!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When talking about yourself, your likes, your interests, it always seems like the possibilities are endless for where a conversation can go.  Talking about trips you've taken or plan to take really let me get to know a person.

Some of the basics, I will share.

1.  Do they only talk of trips they've taken?  These, I call "glory day" people.  "Glory day" people are fun to reminisce with, but are rarely proactive individuals.  Their trips were most likely organized by other people as will be any future travels.  They'll jump on a bandwagon or a trip to Switzerland, but will let other people take charge in planning the arrangments.  "Glory day" people are laid back and really enjoy themselves while taking trips, so come back with lots of great memories and stories.

2.  Compulsive trip planning ring a bell?  "Doers" are proactive people who have a yen for travel as part of the things they do.  I confess, I am a bit of a doer.  I try to organize a trip jam-packed full of things to do, often needing a vacation after the vacation just to relax and catch up on sleep.  Vacation ideas will generally start with a central idea.  I want to see the Vatican City, perhaps.  Every trip will have a schedule.  Deviation from the schedule can actually cause nervousness and tension.  The trip will be something to remember, but "doers" are always planning the next big thing.

3.  Are trips planned adventures?  "Adventurers" have a broad timeline in which to get their travelling done.  This will almost always be a student, travelling all summer or going for a semester abroad.  General destinations are in mind, but activities at those destinations are not limited to a scheduled plan.  Arrive in Paris, the "adventurer" may spend four or five days exploring the city and museums, in contrast to the "doer" who would have museum schedules and days slotted for that explorion.  "Adventurers" really take time to do things thoroughly.  They may miss some things, but the adventures they have stay with them forever.

Clearly, I would love to be of the "adventurer" bent, but find myself more in the "doer" category.  I'm a very scheduled person, sometimes to the detriment of enjoying the moment.  Of course, it's hard to have the funds or the time to take the "adventurer" route.  Also, there is nothing wrong with going along on a trip you didn't plan.  Those "glory day" travellers have all the fun without the stress.  I've mentioned a few European vacations in my examples, but those are still trips being planned by me.

I have done several cross-country, exploring the USA type trips.

I went through 17 states once, all of the stops were scheduled.  We didn't stop at things like the world's largest Dinosaur exhibit, but Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Tetons National Park, the Grand Canyon, and things like that.  Pitstops, I would have enjoyed, include Mexico, Roswell, and the Alamo, but they put us off our schedule :)  I was not a planner on this trip, but thoroughly enjoyed it!

Washington, D.C. I explored for weeks on end during a summer.  Because this was done in much more of an adventure-style, I did not discover there was a two-three month wait for visiting the White House, one of the few things I wasn't able to do.  I did spend an inordinate amount of time in the museums though!

In my overseas travels, I've been to Egypt, England, and Ireland so far.  England and Ireland were separate trips, not combined.  I try to do at least one trip per year and finances usually keep me in the country, but travelling is a big part of my life.  I like talking to people about where they've been and where they plan to go, because it gives me ideas, too!

~Hasta luego!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Madness

Mondays are not supposed to be the actual manic Mondays of the songs, but I have to say today was a whopper of a Monday.  I'm working in staffing and had 3 people in for processing and I handle the paperwork for the most part (even more so because a co-worker is out for a bit).  Saturday's mail into the office was as thick as a book, but no books were included.  I'm still working so in the interest of being home before 8 p.m. tonight, I'll cut this short!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Meet Me 7.22.12

Hi!  My name is Theresa Kemp and I am a writer.  Some would put me into the aspiring category, but in actuality, writing is something I do.  Do I make a profit at it?  Not yet and maybe not ever.  However, I enjoy writing, playing computer games, reading, watching movies, and playing with my cats.  I will probably post on those topics often, so if you're interested, drop by more frequently!

I really enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows movie that was just released on DVD.  The acting and direction were brilliant and the storyline held true to depth and intrigue Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote.  I thoroughly enjoyed the film, finding it a fast and enjoyable 2.5 hours.  If you haven't seen it yet, it is definitely worth the $1.20 rental at Redbox.  I spend more than that on a pack of gum lately.

I'm supposed to be attending a funeral today, but I did not know the person well and funerals put me into a melancholic state that borders on depression.  It's actually great for writing, but I can get to that state through meditation as well, so I'll skip the sadness today.
