Friday, July 27, 2012

Rain and thunderstorms make me sleepy!   So this post will be short, you were forewarned!
I tried to photograph myself sleeping before.  Results can be found below!

I am addicted to a TV series I found on Netflix called the Glades.  It's a funny and witty crime drama.  Funny and witty do not always go hand in hand.  I must say, Dawson's Creek was witty, but the melodrama was not particularly funny, except when watching my roommate get into a heightened state concerning if a kiss would be interrupted at a pivotal moment!  (She watches me instead of the films when we watch Harry Potter because apparently my expressions are not to be missed!)  Funny can apply to all sorts of things.  I like slapstick and ironic humor and deadpan humor (stating the obvious).  Later on, I stop liking humor that belittles people.  Though it may be funny in an instance, I usually have lingering feelings of guilt after laughing because of ridicule.  Why I feel anything for fictional characters is because I create characters myself.  One day, I hope my characters might actually influence people enough to have people relate to my characters as people.  It might be every narrative writer's hope!


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