Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Experiences and Goals

Well, today I tried (of all things) Greek frozen yogurt.  As if yogurt wasn't scary enough to me, but Greek yogurt I honestly thought would be disgusting.  I was surprisingly pleased with the concoction however.  I now have a better afternoon snack than the cheesestick I've been eating.  Frozen Greek yogurt apparently has the most protein, so if as I'm still dieting, it's a good snack.

The diet is going well.  I've not really seen much of a loss, but other people tell me they can see it, which is I guess what matters.  I might have one of those body image diseases where when I look in the mirror, I see someone fatter than how I really am.  Of course, I still manage to squint and make myself look pretty, so I think I'll be okay.

I may have mentioned that writing is a passion of mine.  Well, I got fed up with being the lonely writer.  It's a sad but often true stereotype that a writer is like a hermit.  I am a bit like a hermit, but that's because I also play video games and do not have friends close by that share those interests.  So I spend a lot of time on the computer, playing video games and writing.  It doesn't mean I don't go out and have a good time, but largely I am happy by myself.  However, I have decided that I need more writing friends, so I posted an ad on craigslist. 

Now I'm organizing a writer's group to keep me on track, so the video games don't take over and give constructive feedback during the process.  Some people want to present a finished masterpiece to the world.  I am of the belief that as long as I'm alive, things will keep coming to my mind, reflecting changes and additions to the work that I've already created.  Therefore, I really like having input during the writing process, because it change how I'm delivering the story in my head.  Am I leaving out too much by having a chapter filled with mainly dialogue?  These are questions I don't like to answer myself, because then I will have the same chapter eight times.  There are times when feedback helps you make decisions.  I'm hoping this group will help me and I can do the same for them.

~Until next time!

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